ISO 11929-4:2022

Determination of the characteristic limits (decision threshold, detection limit and limits of the coverage interval) for measurements of ionizing radiation — Fundamentals and application — Part 4: Gui

ISO 11929-4:2022
ISO 11929-4:2022
ISO 11929-1 ISO 11929-2 ISO 3534-1 ISO 80000-1 ISO 80000-10 ISO/IEC Guide 98-3 ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008/Suppl.1 ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008/Suppl.2 ISO/IEC Guide 99
This document specifies a procedure, in the field of ionizing radiation metrology, for the calculation of the “decision threshold”, the “detection limit” and the “limits of the coverage interval” for a non-negative ionizing radiation measurand when counting measurements with preselection of time or counts are carried out. The measurand results from a gross count rate and a background count rate as well as from further quantities on the basis of a model of the evaluation. In particular, the measurand can be the net count rate as the difference of the gross count rate and the background count rate, or the net activity of a sample. It can also be influenced by calibration of the measuring system, by sample treatment and by other factors. applications on the basis of the ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008/Suppl.1 in ISO 11929-2, applications to unfolding methods in ISO 11929-3, and guidance to the application in ISO 11929-4. radiation metrology. It is restricted to applications for which the uncertainties can be evaluated on the basis of the ISO/IEC Guide 98-3 (JCGM 2008). In ISO 11929-1:2019, Annex A the special case of repeated counting measurements with random influences and in ISO 11929-1:2019, Annex B, measurements with linear analogous ratemeters are covered. ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008/Suppl.1. ISO 11929-2 also presents some explanatory notes regarding general aspects of counting measurements and Bayesian statistics in measurements. spectrometric multi-channel measurements if evaluated by unfolding methods, in particular, alpha- and gamma-spectrometric measurements. Further, it provides some advice how to deal with correlations and covariances. procedure and then presenting a wide range of numerical examples. The examples cover elementary applications according to ISO 11929-1 and ISO 11929-2. 1 of the evaluation is involved. Further practical examples can be found in other International Standards, for example, see References [1 to 20]. NOTE A code system, named UncertRadio, is available allowing for calculations according to ISO 11929-1 www​ .thuenen​ .de/​ en/​ fi/​ fields​ -of​ -activity/​ marine​ -environment/​ coordination​ -centre​ -of​ -radioactivity/​ uncertradio/​ . The download contains a setup installation file that copies all files and folders into a folder specified by the user. After installation one has to add information to the PATH of Windows as indicated by a pop-up window during installation. English language can be chosen and extensive “help” information is available. Another tool is the package ‘metRology’[44] which is available for programming in R. It contains the two R functions ‘uncert’ and ‘uncertMC’ which perform the GUM-conform uncertainty propagation, either analytically or by the Monte Carlo method, respectively. Covariances/correlations of input quantities are included. Applying these two functions within iterations for decision threshold and the detection limit calculations simplifies the programming effort significantly. It is also possible to implement this document in a spreadsheet containing a Monte Carlo add-in or into other commercial mathematics software.

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注:判定规则的确定可参考ISO/IEC指南98-4测量不确定度在合格评定中 应用RB/T 197《检测校准结果及与规范符合性报告指南》。 5   对校准实验室要求5.1开展校准实验室,包括校准自有设备,应评定所有校准结果测量不确定度。注1:“所有校准结果”通常是被校仪器示值或与示值相关计量特性校准结果,一般不包括功能性检查结果。...




全数值比较法:将测试所得测定值或计算值不经修约处理(或虽经修约处理,但应标明它是经舍、进或未舍未进而得),用该数值与规定极限数值作比较,只要超出极限数值规定范围(不论超出程度大小),都判定为不符合要求。 20、误差测量不确定度区别?误差与不确定度是计量学中两个相互关联又相互区别的概念。人们提出这两个概念目的都是为了寻求如何以实验测量所得结果来更恰当、更准确地体现被测量真实情况。...

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