NEN-EN 303-1-1993

Heating boilers. Heating boilers with forced draught burners. Part 1: Terminology, general requirements, testing and marking

NEN-EN 303-1-1993 发布历史

NEN-EN 303-1-1993由NL-NEN 发布于 1993-10,并于 1993-10 实施。


1 This Standard applies to heating boilers with burners using fans up to a nominal heat output of 300 kW. They are operated, either with negative pressure (natural draught boiler) or with positive pressure (pressurized boiler) in the combustion chamber, in accordance with the boiler manufacturers' instructions. Particular requirements for boilers which can only be used with open vents are contained in a separate document (being prepared). The requirements of this Standard apply to heating boilers which are tested on an authorized test rig. Boilers in accordance with this Standard are designed for the heating of central heating installations in which the heat carrier is water, and the temperature of which is restricted to 100 °C at a maximum pressure of 6 bar. For boilers with a built-in or attached water heater (storage or continuous flow heater) this Standard only applies to the parts of the water heater which are necessarily subject to the operating conditions of the heating boiler (heating part). This Standard does not apply to gas boilers with atmospheric burners, boilers for solid fuels, oil or gas fired condensation boilers, boilers with oil vaporisation burners and low temperature boilers. For these boilers there are further requirements. NOTE. Low temperature boilers are those operating with a (water) variable temperature up to 40 °C or less, or those which cannot be set at a temperature higher than 55 °C. 2 The purpose of this Standard is to lay down the necesary terminology, the requirements on the materials and testing of them, and marking requirements.

NEN-EN 303-1-1993

NEN-EN 303-1-1993相似标准


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