ASTM D5321-12

Standard Test Method for Determining the Shear Strength of Soil-Geosynthetic and Geosynthetic-Geosynthetic Interfaces by Direct Shear



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ASTM D5321-12
ASTM D5321/D5321M-13
ASTM D5321/D5321M-21
5. Significance and UseTop Bottom

5.1 The procedure described in this test method for determination of the shear resistance of the soil and geosynthetic or geosynthetic and geosynthetic interface is intended as a performance test to provide the user with a set of design values for the test conditions examined. The test specimens and conditions, including normal stresses, are generally selected by the user.

5.2 This test method may be used for acceptance testing of commercial shipments of geosynthetics, but caution is advised as outlined in 5.2.1.

5.2.1 The shear resistance can be expressed only in terms of actual test conditions (see Note 4 and Note 5). The determined value may be a function of the applied normal stress, material characteristics (for example, of the geosynthetic), soil properties, size of sample, drainage conditions, displacement rate, magnitude of displacement, and other parameters.

Note 4???In the case of acceptance testing requiring the use of soil, the user must furnish the soil sample, soil parameters, and direct shear test parameters. The method of test data interpretation for purposes of acceptance should be mutually agreed to by the users of this standard.
Note 5???Testing under this test method should be performed by laboratories qualified in the direct shear testing of soils and meeting the requirements of Practice D3740, especially since the test results may depend on site-specific and test conditions.

5.2.2 This test method measures the total resistance to shear between a geosynthetic and a supporting material (substratum) or a geosynthetic and an overlying material (superstratum). The total shear resistance may be a combination of sliding, rolling and interlocking of material components.

5.2.3 This test method does not distinguish between individual mechanisms, which may be a function of the soil and geosynthetic used, method of material placement and hydration, normal and shear stresses applied, means used to hold the geosynthetic in place, rate of shear displacement, and other factors. Every effort should be made to identify, as closely as practicable, the sheared area and failure mode of the specimen. Care should be taken, including close visual inspection of the specimen after testing, to ensure that the testing conditions are representative of those being investigated.

5.2.4 Information on precision among laboratories is incomplete. In cases of dispute, comparative tests to determine whether a statistical bias exists among laboratories may be advisable.

5.3 The test results can be used in the......<......

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