ASTM D7782-13
根据实验室内数据测定99 %/95 %临界水平 (WCL) 和可靠的检测估计 (WDE) 的标准实施规程

Standard Practice for Determination of the 99 %/95 % Critical Level (WCL) and a Reliable Detection Estimate (WDE) Based on Within-laboratory Data

ASTM D7782-13
ASTM D7782-13
ASTM D1129 ASTM D6091 ASTM D7510 ASTM E1763

5.1 This practice can be used in a single laboratory for trace analysis (that is, where: 1) there are concentrations near the lower limit of the method and 2) the measurements system’s capability to discriminate analyte presence from analyte absence is of interest). In these testing situations, a reliable estimate of the minimum level at which there is confidence that detection of the analyte by the method represents true presence of the analyte in the sample is key. Where within-laboratory detection is important to data use, the WDE procedure should be used to establish the within-laboratory detection capability for each unique application of a method.

5.2 When properly applied, the WDE procedure ensures that the 998201;%/958201;% WDE has the following properties:

5.2.1 Routinely Achievable Detection—The laboratory is able to attain detection performance routinely, using studied measurement systems, without extraordinary effort, and therefore at reasonable cost. This property is needed for a detection limit to be practically useful while scientifically sound. Representative equipment and analysts must be included in the study that generates the data to calculate the WDE.

5.2.2 Inclusion of Routine Sources of Error—If appropriate data are used in calculation, the WDE practice will realistically account for sources of variation and bias common to the measurement process and routine for sample analysis. These sources include, but are not limited to: 1) intrinsic instrument noise, 2) some typical amount of carryover error, and 3) differences in analysts, sample preparation, and instruments (including signal-processing methods and software versions).

5.2.3 Exclusion of Avoidable Sources of Error—The WDE practice excludes avoidable sources of bias and variation, (that is, those which can reasonably be avoided in routine field measurements). Avoidable sources would include, but are not limited to: 1) inappropriate modifications to the method, the sample, measurement procedure, or measurement equipment, and 2) gross and easily discernible transcription errors (provided there was a way to detect and either correct or eliminate such errors in routine sample testing).

5.2.4 Low Probability of False Detection—Consistent with a measured concentration threshold (YC), the WCL is a true concentration that will provide a high probability (estimated at 998201;%) of true non-detection (and thus a low estimated probability of false detection (α) equal to 18201;%). Thus, when a sample with a real concentration of zero is measured, the probability of not detecting the analyte (that is, the probability that the measured value of the blank will be less than the WCL) would be greater than 998201;%. To be most useful, this property must be demonstrated for the particular matrix being used, and not just for reagent-grade water.

5.2.5 Low Probability of False Non-detection—Where appropriate data h......


U1U2置信水平95%。部分标准物质证书给定是允许差,而非扩展不确定度。   En数法判定准则如下: 若,En≤1则判定结果为满意(表明标准物质校准状态置信度得到保持),否则判定为不满意。   3 按临界值(CD值)判定 如果用于该检测标准方法可以提供可靠重复性标准偏差Sr再现性标准偏差SR,则可用临界值(CD值)对标准物质核查结果进行判定。...


En数法判定准则如下: 若,En≤1则判定结果为满意(表明标准物质校准状态置信度得到保持),否则判定为不满意。3、按临界值(CD值)判定 如果用于该检测标准方法可以提供可靠重复性标准偏差Sr再现性标准偏差SR,则可用临界值(CD值)对标准物质核查结果进行判定。...


1、用t检验法对量值进行期间核查t检验法适用于样本容量较小、样本方差没有显著性差异两组数据比较检验。t检验法有三种,分别适用于不同类型不同目的统计检验,见表1。  2、En数法 按公式计算En值:式中:x—标准物质核查结果;μ0—标准物质保证值;U1—标准物质核查测量扩展不确定度;U2—标准物质证书给定扩展不确定度。U1U2置信水平95%。...


3 按临界值(CD值)判定如果用于该检测标准方法可以提供可靠重复性标准偏差Sr再现性标准偏差SR,则可用临界值(CD值)对标准物质核查结果进行判定。按下式计算CD值:该方法判定准则如下:若标准物质在重复条件下n次测定平均值x与保证值μ0之差绝对值小于临界值CD值,则该测定结果为满意(表明标准物质校准状态置信度得到保持),否则判定为不满意。...

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