BS 8582:2013

Code of practice for surface water management for development sites

BS 8582:2013
BS 8582:2013
BS 10175 BS 5930 BS 8515 BS 8533-2011 BS EN 752
This British Standard gives recommendations on the planning, design, construction and maintenance of surface water management systems for new developments and redevelopment sites in: a)minimizing and/or mitigating flooding and other environmental risks arising from: 1)site surface water run-off as a result of rain falling onto the development site; 2)run-off conveyed across or arising on the site from other sources. NOTE 1 Run-off resulting from snow melt is not covered in this British Standard. b)maximizing the societal and environmental benefits arising from the: 1)use of surface water run-off to protect and enhance local water resources and supplies; 2)contribution of surface water management systems in mitigating climate risks associated with urbanization; 3)integration of surface water management systems with urban design in delivering amenity and community value and in repairing, protecting and enhancing landscape and/or townscape character; 4)repair, protection and enhancement of biodiversity.

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