ASTM E387-04(2014)

Standard Test Method for Estimating Stray Radiant Power Ratio of Dispersive Spectrophotometers by the Opaque Filter Method

ASTM E387-04(2014)
ASTM E387-04(2022)
ASTM E387-04(2022)

5.1 Stray radiant power can be a significant source of error in spectrophotometric measurements. SRP usually increases with the passage of time; therefore, testing should be performed periodically. Moreover, the SRPR test is an excellent indicator of the overall condition of a spectrophotometer. A control-chart record of the results of routinely performed SRPR tests can be a useful indicator of need for corrective action or, at least, of the changing reliability of critical measurements.

5.2 This test method provides a means of determining the stray radiant power ratio of a spectrophotometer at selected wavelengths in a spectral range, as determined by the SRP filter used, thereby revealing those wavelength regions where significant photometric errors might occur. It does not provide a means of calculating corrections to indicated absorbance (or transmittance) values. The test method must be used with care and understanding, as erroneous results can occur, especially with respect to some modern grating instruments that incorporate moderately narrow bandpass SRP-blocking filters. This test method does not provide a basis for comparing the performance of different spectrophotometers.

Note 8: Kaye (3) discusses correction methods of measured transmittances (absorbances) that sometimes can be used if sufficient information on the properties and performance of the instrument can be acquired. See also A1.2.5.

5.3 This test method describes the performance of a spectrophotometer in terms of the specific test parameters used. When an analytical sample is measured, absorption by the sample of radiation outside of the nominal bandpass at the analytical wavelength can cause a photometric error, underestimating the transmittance or overestimating the absorbance, and correspondingly underestimating the SRPR.

5.4 The SRPR indicated by this test method using SRP filters is almost always an underestimation of the true value (see 1.3). A value cited in a manufacturer’s literature represents the performance of a new instrument, tested exactly in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification. The implication is that the manufacturer’s stated SRPR can serve as a benchmark for future performance, provided that the user performs the manufacturer’s specified test. It is recommended that users test new instruments promptly, thereby establishing a comparative benchmark in terms of their own testing facilities. The solution filter ratio method (4.3) is a convenient method for control-charting SRPR. Mielenz, et al., (4) show that its results tend to correlate well with those of the specified wavelength method, but for critical comparison with the manufacturer’s specification, the method used by the manufacturer must be used. Because some instruments reduce SRP by incorporating moderately narrow bandpass SRP-blocking filters that are changed as the wavelength range is scanned, it is possible for SRPR determinations to be highly inaccurate if the cutoff wavelength of the SRP filter falls too close to the absorption edge of an instrument’......

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