ASTM D5758-01(2015)

Standard Test Method for Determination of Relative Crystallinity of Zeolite ZSM-5 by X-Ray Diffraction

ASTM D5758-01(2015)
ASTM D5758-01(2021)
ASTM D5758-01(2021)
ASTM D3906 ASTM D5357 ASTM E177 ASTM E456 ASTM E691

4.1 ZSM-5 is a siliceous zeolite that can be crystallized with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio in the range of 20 to greater than 1000. ZSM-5, upon modification to the H-cation form (HZSM-5) in a post-crystallization step, has been used since the 1970s as a shape selective, acid-site catalyst for petroleum refining and petrochemicals production, including such processes as alkylation, isomerization, fluid cracking catalysis (FCC), and methanol-to-gasoline. The most siliceous member of the ZSM-5 family, sometimes called silicalite, is hydrophobic and it is used for selective sorption of organic molecules from water-containing systems.

4.2 This X-ray procedure is designed to allow a reporting of the relative degree of crystallization upon manufacture of ZSM-5. The relative crystallinity/ZSM-5 number has proven useful in technology, research, and specifications.

4.3 The Integrated Peak Area Method (Procedure A) is preferred over the Peak Height Method (Procedure B) since it calculates XRD intensity as a sum from several peaks rather than utilizing just one peak. Drastic changes in intensity of individual peaks in the XRD pattern of ZSM-5 can result from changes in distribution of electron density within the unit cell of the ZSM-5 zeolite. The electron density distribution is dependent upon the following factors:

4.3.1 Extent of filling of pores with guest molecules and the nature of these guest molecules.

4.3.2 Type of cations and extent of their presence (these cations may also affect the absorption of X rays by the ZSM-5 sample).

4.3.3 In this XRD method, the guest molecule H2O completes the filling of the pores. Other guest molecule types may also be present, including one of numerous amines, diamines, and quarternary ammonium cations that can function as a template for crystallization of the ZSM-5 structure.

4.3.4 Because of the factors mentioned in 4.3.1 to 4.3.3 that could vary the intensities of the XRD peaks in ZSM-5, this XRD method will provide the best determination of relative crystallinity when the reference ZSM-5 and sample ZSM-5 have a similar history of preparation and composition.

4.4 ZSM-5 can exist with either orthorhombic or monoclinic symmetry, depending upon the composition of the precursor gel or post-crystallization modification conditions, or both. In the orthorhombic type, the XRD peaks centered at about 23.1 and 23.8° 2θ are usually split into doublets, whereas the less symmetric monoclinic type may show a further split of these peaks into triplets. The peak area intensities of these peaks are unaffected by the crystalline form. The XRD peak at 24.3° 2θ for the orthorhombic form is a singlet and hence is the most suitable for the Peak Height Method (Procedure B). If the 24.3° peak is split (doublet in the monoclinic form), then the Integrated Peak Area Method (Procedure A) should be used.


样品相对结晶度:一般将最强衍射峰积分所得面积(As)当作计算结晶度指标,与标准物质积分所得面积(Ag)进行比较,结晶度=As/Ag*100%。C. 物相含量定量分析:主要有K值法也叫RIR方法和Rietveld全谱精修定量等。其中,RIR法基本原理为1:1混合某物质与刚玉(Al2O3),其最强衍射积分强度会有一个比值,该比值为RIR值。...




1  物相鉴定   物相鉴定是指确定材料由哪些相组成和确定各组成相含量,主要包括定性相分析和定量相分析。每种晶体由于其独特结构都具有与之相对X射线衍射特征谱,这是X射线衍射物相分析依据。将待测样品衍射图谱和各种已知单相标准物质衍射图谱对比,从而确定物质相组成。确定相组成后,根据各相衍射强度正比于该组分含量(需要做吸收校正者除外),就可对各种组分进行定量分析。   ...



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