ISO 16694:2015

Space systems - The measured parameters at firing bench and flight tests of liquid rocket engines

哪些标准引用了ISO 16694:2015


找不到引用ISO 16694:2015 航天系统.液体火箭发动机发射台和飞行试验的测量参数 的标准

ISO 16694:2015

ISO 16694:2015
ISO 16694:2015
ISO 15864:2004 ISO 15865:2005 ISO 24917:2010
This International Standard applies to all types of liquid rocket engines for expendable launch systems and satellites: a) Combustible fuel (including cryogenic); c) Low-thrust engines, one component (mono-propellant) and two-component (bi-propellant). b) Large-thrust, multiple component engines, with and without afterburning; This International Standard establishes a list of parameters to be measured and registered with the firing stand and flight tests of serial LRE. The order of preparation and carrying out of stand and flight tests, methods of processing, and analysis of tests results of liquid rocket engines, also measurement accuracy requirements are not regulated by this International Standard. Measurement accuracy requirements are established by engine designer. Parameters listed in this International Standard characterize performance attributes of liquid rocket engines and are used for evaluating of technical state of engines (operative, inoperative), if they correspond to the requirements specified and possibilities of putting them into operation. There are parameters specified in this International Standard, obligatory for registration and optional ones. The manufacturer of liquid rocket engines can determine additional list of parameters for specific items taking into account their design and diagrammatical features. The meaning “optional parameter” denotes (in cases when a proper unit or a component can be the part of an engine) that according to the manufacturer’s decision, measurements are allowed not to be made. Measurement of parameters at firing stand and flight tests of liquid rocket engines is be made by means of the same sensors if possible.



我国首次将以固液混合火箭发动机为动力探空火箭成功进行发射回收。来自北京航空航天大学消息证实,12月5日下午,在酒泉卫星发射中心,由该校宇航学院15位大学生设计研制“北航二号”固液混合火箭发动机探空火箭飞行试验取得成功。 该校宇航学院常务副院长蔡国飙用8个字来形容这次试验成果:国内首创,国际水平。...



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