CEN/TS 16826-2-2015

Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations - Specifications for pre-examination processes for snap frozen tissue - Part 2: Isolated proteins

CEN/TS 16826-2-2015 发布历史

This Technical Specification gives recommendations for the handling, documentation and processing of frozen tissue specimens intended for the analysis of extracted proteins during the preanalytical phase before a molecular assay is performed. This Technical Specification is applicable to molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations (e. g., in vitro diagnostic laboratories, laboratory customers, developers and manufacturers of in vitro diagnostics, institutions and commercial organisations performing biomedical research, biobanks, and regulatory authorities). Protein profiles and protein-protein interactions in tissues can change drastically before and after collection (due to e. g., gene induction, gene down regulation, protein degradation). Protein species amounts can change differently in tissues from different donors / patients. The expression of genes can be influenced by the given treatment or medical intervention (surgery, biopsy), or drugs administered for anaesthesia or even treatment of concomitant disease as well as by the different environment conditions after the tissue removal from the body. Therefore, it is essential to take special measures to minimize the described profile changes and modifications within the tissue for subsequent protein analysis. Tissues that have undergone chemical stabilization pre-treatment before freezing are not covered in this document. In addition this document is not applicable for protein analysis by immunohistochemistry.

CEN/TS 16826-2-2015由欧洲标准化委员会 IX-CEN 发布于 2015-08-01。

CEN/TS 16826-2-2015 在中国标准分类中归属于: C38 普通诊察器械。

CEN/TS 16826-2-2015 发布之时,引用了标准

* 在 CEN/TS 16826-2-2015 发布之后有更新,请注意新发布标准的变化。

CEN/TS 16826-2-2015的历代版本如下:

  • 2015年08月01日 CEN/TS 16826-2-2015 分子体外诊断检查.冰冻组织预审流程的规范.第2部分:蛋白质的分离



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CEN/TS 16826-2-2015
EN ISO 15189-2012 ISO Guide 30-1992 ISO 15190-2003
FprCEN/TS 16826-2-2015
This Technical Specification gives recommendations for the handling, documentation and processing of frozen tissue specimens intended for the analysis of extracted proteins during the preanalytical phase before a molecular assay is performed. This Technical Specification is applicable to molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations (e. g., in vitro diagnostic laboratories, laboratory customers, developers and manufacturers of in vitro diagnostics, institutions and commercial organisations performing biomedical research, biobanks, and regulatory authorities). Protein profiles and protein-protein interactions in tissues can change drastically before and after collection (due to e. g., gene induction, gene down regulation, protein degradation). Protein species amounts can change differently in tissues from different donors / patients. The expression of genes can be influenced by the given treatment or medical intervention (surgery, biopsy), or drugs administered for anaesthesia or even treatment of concomitant disease as well as by the different environment conditions after the tissue removal from the body. Therefore, it is essential to take special measures to minimize the described profile changes and modifications within the tissue for subsequent protein analysis. Tissues that have undergone chemical stabilization pre-treatment before freezing are not covered in this document. In addition this document is not applicable for protein analysis by immunohistochemistry.

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