GB/T 23527.1-2023
Quality Requirements for Enzyme Preparations Part 1: Protease Preparations (English Version)

Chinese Std
Standard No.
GB/T 23527.1-2023
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China
GB/T 23527.1-2023
GB/T 23527-2009
GB/T 23527.1-2023 Enzyme Preparations - Part 1: Protease Preparations is a standard that specifies the quality requirements for protease preparations. Protease preparations are widely used in various industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, and detergents. This standard lays down the guidelines for the production, identification, and assay methods of protease preparations. It defines the minimum requirements for the enzyme activity, pH range, temperature range, and stability of protease preparations. It also specifies the maximum limits for impurities such as heavy metals, microorganisms, and other enzymes. The purpose of this standard is to ensure that protease preparations meet the necessary quality standards and are safe for use in different applications. It provides manufacturers, suppliers, and users with a clear set of criteria to evaluate the quality of protease preparations. Compliance with this standard is essential for manufacturers to guarantee the reliability and effectiveness of their protease preparations. It also helps users in selecting and using protease preparations that meet their specific requirements. Overall, GB/T 23527.1-2023 is a crucial standard in the enzyme industry, particularly for protease preparations. It promotes quality assurance, safety, and effectiveness in the production and use of protease preparations, contributing to the advancement of various industries that rely on these enzyme preparations.

GB/T 23527.1-2023 history

GB/T 23527.1-2023 has been changed from GB/T 23527-2009 Protease preparations.

GB/T 23527.1-2023 -All Parts

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