R18 公路防护与养护 标准查询与下载

共找到 109 条与 公路防护与养护 相关的标准,共 8

本标准规定了轮廓标的分类、结构形式、技术性能要求、检验规则、测试方法、标志、包装、运输及贮存 本标准适用于我国公路上设置的轮廓标。在城市道路或其它道路上设置的轮廓标可参照执行。??

Specification for Delineators


1.1 This terminology provides definitions for pavement distress for airfields, highways, roads, streets, and parking lots of all functional classifications. 1.2 This terminology covers surfaces paved with either bituminous or portland cement concrete. It does not include other paved or unpaved surfaces. 1.3 This terminology includes most of the significant types of pavement surface distresses, but it is not all inclusive. 1.4 Not all distresses noted are applicable to all pavement categories listed in 1.1. 1.5 Severity levels are not addressed in this terminology but are addressed in other ASTM test methods and practices (for example, Test Method D 5340). However, a knowledge of severity levels is required for evaluating many of the distresses defined in this terminology.

Standard Terminology Relating to Pavement Distress

93.080.01 (Road engineering in general)

1.1 This terminology provides definitions for pavement distress for airfields, highways, roads, streets, and parking lots of all functional classifications. 1.2 This terminology covers surfaces paved with either bituminous or portland cement concrete. It does not include other paved or unpaved surfaces. 1.3 This terminology includes most of the significant types of pavement surface distresses, but it is not all inclusive. 1.4 Not all distresses noted are applicable to all pavement categories listed in 1.1. 1.5 Severity levels are not addressed in this terminology but are addressed in other ASTM test methods and practices (for example, Test Method D5340). However, a knowledge of severity levels is required for evaluating many of the distresses defined in this terminology.

Standard Terminology Relating to Pavement Distress


1.1 This terminology provides definitions for pavement distress for airfields, highways, roads, streets, and parking lots of all functional classifications.1.2 This terminology covers surfaces paved with either bituminous or portland cement concrete. It does not include other paved or unpaved surfaces.1.3 This terminology includes most of the significant types of pavement surface distresses, but it is not all inclusive.1.4 Not all distresses noted are applicable to all pavement categories listed in Severity levels are not addressed in this terminology but are addressed in other ASTM test methods and practices (for example, Test Method D 5340). However, a knowledge of severity levels is required for evaluating many of the distresses defined in this terminology.

Standard Terminology Relating to Pavement Distress

01.040.93 (Civil engineering (Vocabularies)); 93.0

本标准规定了公路防眩设施的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则以及防眩设施产品的标志、包装、运输和质量证明书。 本标准适用于高速公路上使用的防眩设施,设置中央分隔带的其它等级公路可以参照采用。

Specification of highway glare screen


This guide provides potential and current pavement management users with an outline of the process and steps to follow when implementing and operating pavement management systems. This guide may be used by the following: Individuals within agencies interested in finding information about pavement management to determine if they want to pursue implementation; Pavement engineers, maintenance supervisors or other persons trying to get agency management personnel to commit to implementing a pavement management system within their agency; Personnel in an agency in which the decision to implement a pavement management system has been made but where the pavement management processes, pavement management decision support software or data collection procedures, or both, have not been selected; Personnel in an agency that is developing a database and beginning use of a newly adopted pavement management system; and Personnel in an agency that have a pavement management system in place and are trying to make the pavement management process a routine part of the agency decision making.1.1 This guide covers basic procedures to follow in implementing an effective pavement management process. Pavement management includes activities and decisions related to providing and maintaining pavements, many of which must be made with supporting information that should be generated from a pavement management system (PMS). Implementation is considered complete when pavement management is a routine part of the management process, and the agency utilizes the pavement management process to make relevant decisions, including funding decisions. 1.2 The guide is intended for use by agencies that manage pavements including those on airfields, highways, parking lots, roads and streets. 1.3 Pavement management, as discussed in this guide, is exercised at network and project-level as described in Guide E1166, and the AASHTO Guidelines for Pavement Management Systems. 1.4 No reference is made to the time needed to complete the implementation. The amount of time will depend on the size of the pavement network and the resources available to support implementation. 1.5 This guide is not a standard method or practice, that is, it is not intended to provide exact steps that must be followed by every agency implementing a pavement management process. It is expected that each agency will use the material in this guide to develop an implementation plan to meet the needs and constraints unique to the agency. 1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

Standard Guide for Pavement Management Implementation

93.080.99 (Other standards related to road enginee

This guide provides potential and current pavement management users with an outline of the process and steps to follow when implementing and operating pavement management systems. This guide may be used by the following: 4.2.1 Individuals within agencies interested in finding information about pavement management to determine if they want to pursue implementation; 4.2.2 Pavement engineers, maintenance supervisors or other persons trying to get agency management personnel to commit to implementing a pavement management system within their agency; 4.2.3 Personnel in an agency in which the decision to implement a pavement management system has been made but where the pavement management processes, pavement management decision support software or data collection procedures, or both, have not been selected; 4.2.4 Personnel in an agency that is developing a database and beginning use of a newly adopted pavement management system; and 4.2.5 Personnel in an agency that have a pavement management system in place and are trying to make the pavement management process a routine part of the agency decision making.1.1 This guide covers basic procedures to follow in implementing an effective pavement management process. Pavement management includes activities and decisions related to providing and maintaining pavements, many of which must be made with supporting information that should be generated from a pavement management system (PMS). Implementation is considered complete when pavement management is a routine part of the management process, and the agency utilizes the pavement management process to make relevant decisions, including funding decisions.1.2 The guide is intended for use by agencies that manage pavements including those on airfields, highways, parking lots, roads and streets.1.3 Pavement management, as discussed in this guide, is exercised at network and project-level as described in Guide E 1166, and the AASHTO Guidelines for Pavement Management Systems.1.4 No reference is made to the time needed to complete the implementation. The amount of time will depend on the size of the pavement network and the resources available to support implementation.1.5 This guide is not a standard method or practice, that is, it is not intended to provide exact steps that must be followed by every agency implementing a pavement management process. It is expected that each agency will use the material in this guide to develop an implementation plan to meet the needs and constraints unique to the agency.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

Standard Guide for Pavement Management Implementation

93.080.99 (Other standards related to road enginee

1.1 This guide covers basic procedures to follow in implementing an effective pavement management process. Pavement management includes activities and decisions related to providing and maintaining pavements, many of which must be made with supporting information that should be generated from a pavement management system (PMS). Implementation is considered complete when pavement management is a routine part of the management process, and the agency utilizes the pavement management process to make relevant decisions, incuding funding decisions. 1.2 The guide is intended for use by agencies that manage pavements including those on airfields, highways, parking lots, roads and streets 1.3 Pavement management, as discussed in this guide, is exercised at network and project-level as described in Guide E1166, and the AASHTO Guidelines for Pavement Management Systems. 1.4 No reference is made to the time needed to complete the implementation. The amount of time will depend on the size of the pavement network and the resources available to support implementation. 1.5 This guide is not a standard method or practice, that is, it is not intended to provide exact steps that must be followed by every agency implementing a pavement management process. It is expected that each agency will use the material in this guide to develop an implementation plan to meet the needs and constraints unique to the agency. 1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

Standard Guide for Pavement Management Implementation


本标准规定了高速公路波形梁钢护栏产品的分类、外形尺寸及允许偏差、技术要求、检验方法及标志、包装、运输、质量证明书。 本标准适用于高速公路和一级汽车专用公路用波形梁钢护栏。其它等级公路用波形梁钢护栏可参照使用。

Corrugated sheet steel beams for expressway guardrail


1.1 This guide provides recommendations for measuring pavement deflections resulting from the application of a known transient load, a steady-state dynamic load, or an impulse load applied by a nondestructive deflection testing (NDT) device. Deflections are measured with sensors that monitor the vertical movement of the pavement surface. This guide describes the general information that should be obtained regardless of the type of testing device used. 1.2 This guide is applicable for deflection measurements made on flexible (asphalt concrete (AC)), rigid (Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) or continuously reinforced concrete (CRCP)), or composite (AC/PCC) pavements. 1.3 This guide provides general information that is required for three suggested levels of testing effort, as follows: 1.3.1 Level I -a general overview of pavement condition for network analysis. 1.3.2 Level II -a routine analysis of the pavement for purposes such as overlay or rehabilitation design projects. 1.3.3 Level III -a detailed or specific analysis of the pavement, such as the evaluation of joint efficiency or foundation support for PCC slabs. 1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. Inch-pound units given in parentheses are for information purposes only. 1.5 This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

Standard Guide for General Pavement Deflection Measurements

93.080.20 (Road construction materials)

为加强公路养护技术管理,及时掌握公路养护质量和服务状况,结合公路发展的实际情况,本着科学、简便、实用的原则特制定本标准,作为全国统一的公路养护质量检查评定标准。 本《标准》适用于设有道班养护的一般公路和混合交通的一级、二级汽车专用公路,其它公路可参照本《标准》执行。

Quality Inspection and Evaluation Standards for Highway Maintenace


本规范规定了林区公路路基、路面以及桥梁涵洞的常规养护技术。并规定了林区公路常见病害路段的养护与治理方法. 本规范适用于全国林区公路干线、支线、岔线的线路养护。

Technical specification for road maintenance in forest areas


为促进粉煤灰填筑公路路堤技术的推广应用,确保工程建设质量,特制定本规范。 本规范适用于各级公路新建、改建的纯粉煤灰路堤工程、间隔粉煤灰路堤或其他结构类似的粉煤灰回填工程可参照使用。

Technical specifications for Design and construction for Fly ash Embankment


Nondestructive testing of pavements to obtain deflection data for use in pavement evaluation and overlay design has become common. While the diversity of equipment and data applications make specific procedures infeasible, this guide is intended to encourage the collection of sufficient deflection data, adequate calibration of equipment, and implementation of general procedures leading to better quality and more uniform deflection measurements. 1.1 This guide covers the preparation, equipment, calibration of equipment, location of test points, magnitudes and configurations of applied loads, cyclic frequencies, and presentation of data for nondestructive testing of pavements using cyclic-loading dynamic deflection equipment. 1.2 Cyclic-loading dynamic deflection equipment includes a group of devices that induce a steady-state sinusoidal vibration in the pavement through cyclic generation of a dynamic load. All such devices apply a static load on the pavement surface, resulting in a static deflection, and then induce some sinusoidal load and consequent deflection around the static load and deflection through an applied steady-state dynamic load. 1.3 As there are great differences between various cyclic-loading dynamic deflection devices, this guide is intended to give uniformly-applicable guidance, rather than specific instructions, for their use. For instance, it will specify that calibration of the devices and their instrumentation be carried out at the frequencies and in accordance with procedures recommended by their manufacturers, rather than providing specific instructions. Also, data is specified for collection that should prove adequate for usual applications of such deflection data, but no procedures are included for “back-calculating” elastic moduli of pavement layers or other such applications. 1.4 This guide does not apply to static deflection equipment, such as the “Benkelman Beam,” automated beam deflection equipment, such as the “California Traveling Deflectometer,” or impulse deflection equipment, such as the “Falling Weight Deflectometer.” 1.5 It is common practice in the engineering profession to use concurrently pounds to represent both a unit of mass (lbm) and of force (lbf). This implicitly combines two separate systems of units, that is, the absolute system and the gravitational system. It is scientifically undesirable to combine the use of two separate sets of inch-pound units within a single standard. This guide has been written using the gravitational system of units when dealing with the inch-pound system. In this system, the pound (lbf) represents a unit of force (weight). However, the use of balances or scales recording pounds of mass (lbm), or the recording of density in lbm/ft3 should not be regarded as nonconformance with this guide. 1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.7 This guide offers an organized collection of information or a series of options and does not recommend a specific course of action. This document cannot replace education or experience and should be used in conjunction with professional judgment. Not all aspects of this guide may be applicable in all circumstances. This ASTM standard is no......

Standard Guide for Nondestructive Testing of Pavements Using Cyclic-Loading Dynamic Deflection Equipment

93.080.20 (Road construction materials)

Nondestructive testing of pavements to obtain deflection data for use in pavement evaluation and overlay design has become common. While the diversity of equipment and data applications make specific procedures infeasible, this guide is intended to encourage the collection of sufficient deflection data, adequate calibration of equipment, and implementation of general procedures leading to better quality and more uniform deflection measurements. 1.1 This guide covers the preparation, equipment, calibration of equipment, location of test points, magnitudes and configurations of applied loads, cyclic frequencies, and presentation of data for nondestructive testing of pavements using cyclic-loading dynamic deflection equipment.1.2 Cyclic-loading dynamic deflection equipment includes a group of devices that induce a steady-state sinusoidal vibration in the pavement through cyclic generation of a dynamic load. All such devices apply a static load on the pavement surface, resulting in a static deflection, and then induce some sinusoidal load and consequent deflection around the static load and deflection through an applied steady-state dynamic load.1.3 As there are great differences between various cyclic-loading dynamic deflection devices, this guide is intended to give uniformly-applicable guidance, rather than specific instructions, for their use. For instance, it will specify that calibration of the devices and their instrumentation be carried out at the frequencies and in accordance with procedures recommended by their manufacturers, rather than providing specific instructions. Also, data is specified for collection that should prove adequate for usual applications of such deflection data, but no procedures are included for "back-calculating" elastic moduli of pavement layers or other such applications.1.4 This guide does not apply to static deflection equipment, such as the "Benkelman Beam," automated beam deflection equipment, such as the "California Traveling Deflectometer," or impulse deflection equipment, such as the "Falling Weight Deflectometer."1.5 It is common practice in the engineering profession to use concurrently pounds to represent both a unit of mass (lbm) and of force (lbf). This implicitly combines two separate systems of units, that is, the absolute system and the gravitational system. It is scientifically undesirable to combine the use of two separate sets of inch-pound units within a single standard. This guide has been written using the gravitational system of units when dealing with the inch-pound system. In this system, the pound (lbf) represents a unit of force (weight). However, the use of balances or scales recording pounds of mass (lbm), or the recording of density in lbm/ft 3 should not be regarded as nonconformance with this guide.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.7 This guide offers an organized collection of information or a series of options and does not recommend a specific course of action. This document cannot replace education or experience and should be used in conjunction with professional judgment. Not all aspects of this guide may be applicable in all circumstances. This ASTM standard is not intended to represent or replace the standard of care by which the adequacy of a given professional service must be judged, nor should this document be applied without consideration of a project''s many unique aspects. The word "Standard" in the title of this document means only that the document has been approved through the ASTM consensus process.

Standard Guide for Nondestructive Testing of Pavements Using Cyclic-Loading Dynamic Deflection Equipment

93.080.20 (Road construction materials)

1.1 This guide covers the preparation, equipment, calibration of equipment, location of test points, magnitudes and configurations of applied loads, cyclic frequencies, and presentation of data for nondestructive testing of pavements using cyclic-loading dynamic deflection equipment.1.2 Cyclic-loading dynamic deflection equipment includes a group of devices that induce a steady-state sinusoidal vibration in the pavement through cyclic generation of a dynamic load. All such devices apply a static load on the pavement surface, resulting in a static deflection, and then induce some sinusoidal load and consequent deflection around the static load and deflection through an applied steady-state dynamic load.1.3 As there are great differences between various cyclic-loading dynamic deflection devices, this guide is intended to give uniformly-applicable guidance, rather than specific instructions, for their use. For instance, it will specify that calibration of the devices and their instrumentation be carried out at the frequencies and in accordance with procedures recommended by their manufacturers, rather than providing specific instructions. Also, data is specified for collection that should prove adequate for usual applications of such deflection data, but no procedures are included for "back-calculating" elastic moduli of pavement layers or other such applications.1.4 This guide does not apply to static deflection equipment, such as the "Benkelman Beam," automated beam deflection equipment, such as the "California Traveling Deflectometer," or impulse deflection equipment, such as the "Falling Weight Deflectometer."1.5 It is common practice in the engineering profession to use concurrently pounds to represent both a unit of mass (lbm) and of force (lbf). This implicitly combines two separate systems of units, that is, the absolute system and the gravitational system. It is scientifically undesirable to combine the use of two separate sets of inch-pound units within a single standard. This guide has been written using the gravitational system of units when dealing with the inch-pound system. In this system, the pound (lbf) represents a unit of force (weight). However, the use of balances or scales recording pounds of mass (lbm), or the recording of density in lbm/ft 3 should not be regarded as nonconformance with this guide.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.7 This guide offers an organized collection of information or a series of options and does not recommend a specific course of action. This document cannot replace education or experience and should be used in conjunction with professional judgment. Not all aspects of this guide may be applicable in all circumstances. This ASTM standard is not intended to represent or replace the standard of care by which the adequacy of a given professional service must be judged, nor should this document be applied without consideration of a project's many unique aspects. The word "Standard" in the title of this document means only that the document has been approved through the ASTM consensus process.

Standard Guide for Nondestructive Testing of Pavements Using Cyclic-Loading Dynamic Deflection Equipment


Requirements for fine and course grades. Criteria for storing quality, grading and chemical composition.

Specification for salt for spreading on highways for winter maintenance


Technical code of urban road maintenance


Specifications for the core drilling rigs of the cement concrete


Specifications for the strenth tester of the stablized soil


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