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《自然评论物理学》是一本新的在线评论期刊,从 2019 年 1 月起每月出版。我们对物理学各个领域的最佳研究感兴趣,我们的广泛范围确保所发表的作品能够覆盖尽可能多的受众。 《自然评论物理学》是一份独家在线出版物。这使我们能够在评论类型的文章准备好后立即发表,这有利于作者提前发表日期,并让我们的读者在论文出现在特定问题之前几周就可以获取已接受的论文。请注意,在线发表的论文是明确的,只能通过发布勘误表或勘误表进行更改。因此,作者应尽一切努力确保页面校样的正确性。
Nature Reviews Physics is a new online-only reviews journal, publishing monthly from January 2019. We are interested in the best research from across the fields of physics, with our broad scope ensuring that the work published reaches the widest possible audience. Nature Reviews Physics is an exclusively online publication. This enables us to publish review-type articles as soon as they are ready, which benefits authors with an earlier publication date and gives our readers access to accepted papers several weeks before they would appear in a specific issue. Note that papers published online are definitive and may be altered only through the publication of a Corrigendum or Erratum. Therefore, authors should make every effort to ensure that the page proofs are correct.