IEC 60300-3-4:2007

Dependability management - Part 3-4: Application guide - Guide to the specification of dependability requirements

IEC 60300-3-4:2007
IEC 60300-3-4:2022
IEC 60300-3-4:2022
IEC 60050-191 IEC 60300-1 IEC 60300-2 IEC 60300-3-1 IEC 60300-3-10 IEC 60300-3-12 IEC 60300-3-14 IEC 60300-3-2 IEC 60300-3-5 IEC 60605-4 IEC 60605-6 IEC 60706-2 IEC 60706-3 IEC 60706-5 IEC 61014 IEC 61025 IEC 61078 IEC 61123 IEC 61124 IEC 61160 IEC 61164
IEC 56/1212/FDIS:2007 IEC 60300-3-4:1996
This part of IEC 60300 gives guidance on specifying the required dependability characteristics in specifications,together with specifications of procedures and criteria for verification and vaIidation. The guidance provided includes the following: 一advice on specifying quantitative and qualitative reliability,maintainability,availability and maintenance support requirements; ——advice to purchasers of a system on how to ensure that the specified requirements will be fulfilled by suppliers; 一advice to suppliers to help them to meet purchaser requirements. Other documents,such as legislation and governmental regulation may also place requirements on systems and these should be applied in addition to any specifications derived in accordance with this standard. NOTE 1 Whilst mainly addressing system and equipment level reliability.many of the techniques described in the different parts of IEC 60300 may also be applied to products,items or at the component level.The term system is used throughout this standard. NOTE 2 This standard does not give guidance on the management of dependability programmes or on the various activities necessary to fulfil stated availability,reliability,maintainability and maintenance support requirements. For this general guidance,see other standards. NOTE 3 Safety and environment specifications are not directly considered in this guide.However,much of the guidance in this standard could also be applied to safety or environmental specification NOTE 4 Specifications for the dependability of a service are not considered in this guide.This includes the provision of a service such as those provided through Public—Private PartnershiP procurements.

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