IEC 62047-13:2012

Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 13: Bend- and shear-type test methods of measuring adhesive strength for MEMS structures

IEC 62047-13:2012
GB/T 41852-2022 (等同采用的中文版本)
IEC 62047-13:2012
IEC 47F/109/FDIS:2011
This part of IEC 62047 specifies the adhesive testing method between micro-sized elements and a substrate using the columnar shape of the specimens. This international standard can be applied to adhesive strength measurement of microstructures@ prepared on a substrate@ with width and thickness of 1 ?? to 1 mm@ respectively. Micro-sized elements of MEMS devices are made up of laminated fine pattern films on a substrate@ which are fabricated by deposition@ plating@ and/or coating with photolithography. MEMS devices include a large number of interfaces between dissimilar materials@ at which delamination occasionally occurs during fabrication or in operation. Combination of the materials at the junction determines the adhesive strength; moreover@ defects and residual stress in the vicinity of the interface@ which are changing by processing condition@ strongly affect the adhesive strength. This standard specifies the adhesive testing method for microsized- elements in order to optimally select materials and processing conditions for MEMS devices. This standard does not particularly restrict test piece material@ test piece size and performance of the measuring device@ since the materials and size of MEMS device components range widely and testing machine for micro-sized materials has not been generalized.

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