EN ISO 17263-2012

Intelligent transport systems - Automatic vehicle and equipment identification - Intermodal goods transport system parameters (ISO 17263:2012)

EN ISO 17263-2012 发布历史

This International Standard establishes an AEI system based on radio frequency technologies.This systemis intended for general application in RTTT/TICS. It allows the transfer of the identification codes and furtherinformation about equipment and vehicles used in intermodal transport into such RTTT/TICS and informationsystems related to intermodal transport processes. Within the intermodal context of the RTTT/TICS Sector, AEIsystems have the specific objective of achieving an unambiguous identification of an ITU or related equipmentor vehicle or item used in intermodal transport, and to make that identification automatically. Vehicles will beconsidered and handled under Intermodal aspects as “Intermodal Equipment”. Therefore, a differentiationbetween AEI and AVI systems for the purpose of this standard is not required.

EN ISO 17263-2012由欧洲标准化委员会 IX-CEN 发布于 2012-08-01。

EN ISO 17263-2012在国际标准分类中归属于: 35.240.60 信息技术在运输和贸易中的应用。

EN ISO 17263-2012 发布之时,引用了标准

  • ISO 10374 货运集装箱.自动识别.修改件1
  • ISO 14815 道路运输和交通远程信息处理.自动车辆和设备识别.系统规范
  • ISO 17261 智能运输系统.自动车辆和设备识别.联运货物运输结构和术语*2012-09-01 更新
  • ISO 17262 智能运输系统.自动车辆和设备识别.编号和数据结构.修改件1*2019-02-06 更新
  • ISO 17264 智能运输系统.自动车辆和设备识别.接口.修改件1*2019-02-05 更新
  • ISO 17363 RFID供应链应用.货运集装箱*2013-03-01 更新
  • ISO 17365 无线射频识别(RFID).传送装置*2013-03-01 更新
  • ISO 18185-1 货运集装箱.电子密封.第1部分:通信协议
  • ISO 24534 智能交通系统——自动车辆和设备识别——车辆电子登记标识(ERI)第5部分:使用对称技术的安全通信
  • ISO 24535 智能运输系统.自动车辆识别.基本电子注册识别(基本ERI)
  • EN 13044 联运加载单元-标记-第3部分:标记与铁路相关的semitrailers操作(取代:CEN 13044)

* 在 EN ISO 17263-2012 发布之后有更新,请注意新发布标准的变化。

EN ISO 17263-2012的历代版本如下:

  • 2012年08月01日 EN ISO 17263-2012 智能运输系统.车辆和设备自动识别.系统参数



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EN ISO 17263-2012
This International Standard establishes an AEI system based on radio frequency technologies.This systemis intended for general application in RTTT/TICS. It allows the transfer of the identification codes and furtherinformation about equipment and vehicles used in intermodal transport into such RTTT/TICS and informationsystems related to intermodal transport processes. Within the intermodal context of the RTTT/TICS Sector, AEIsystems have the specific objective of achieving an unambiguous identification of an ITU or related equipmentor vehicle or item used in intermodal transport, and to make that identification automatically. Vehicles will beconsidered and handled under Intermodal aspects as “Intermodal Equipment”. Therefore, a differentiationbetween AEI and AVI systems for the purpose of this standard is not required.

EN ISO 17263-2012 中可能用到的仪器设备

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