Optimization and Control

Optimization and Control, Total:12 items.

In the international standard classification, Optimization and Control involves: Industrial automation systems.

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating@ Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers@ Inc., Optimization and Control

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), Optimization and Control

中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局、中国国家标准化管理委员会, Optimization and Control

  • GB/T 32854.2-2017 Automation systems and integration—Integration of advanced process control and optimization software for manufacturing systems—Part 2: Framework and functions

国家市场监督管理总局、中国国家标准化管理委员会, Optimization and Control

  • GB/T 32854.4-2020 Automation systems and integration—Integration of advanced process control and optimization software for manufacturing systems—Part 4: Information exchange and usage
  • GB/T 32854.3-2020 Automation systems and integration—Integration of advanced process control and optimization software for manufacturing systems—Part 3: Activity models and workflows

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Optimization and Control

  • GB/T 32854.1-2016 Industrial automation systems and integration.Integration of advanced process control and optimization software for manufacturing systems.Part 1:overview, concepts and terminologies

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