测定 葡萄 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 测定 葡萄 相关的标准,共 10

LEATHERS Determination of glucose

Prezentul standard stabile?te metoda Luff-Schoorl de determinare a con?inutului de dextroz? din glucoz? NOTE 1 - Con?inutul de dextroz? se mai poate

Glucose. Methods of analysis. Determination of dextrose content. Luff-Schoorl method

Przedmiotem normy jest jodometryczna metoda ilo?ciowego oznaczania zawarto?ci wolnego i ogólnego bezwodnika kwasu siarkowego (S02

Wines and distillate of win? Iodometric method for determination of total sulphur dioxide content

This document specifies a method for the determination of the content of the total glucosinolates in rapeseeds (colza) using visible spectrometry

Rapeseed — Determination of glucosinolate content — Spectrometric method for total glucosinolates by glucose release

Rapeseed - Determination of glucosinolate content - Spectrometric method for total glucosinolates by glucose release

Juice products. Detection of the presence of glucose and fructose syrups addition by gas chromatography

Rapeseed — Determination of glucosinolate content — Spectrometric method for total glucosinolates by glucose release

Milk and milk products - Determination of lactose content of lactose-reduced milk and milk products in the presence of glucose - Enzymatic method

This Standard defines an enzymatic method for determination of lactose content of lactose-reduced milk and lactose-reduced milk products whose lactose

Milk and milk products - Determination of lactose content of lactose-reduced milk and milk products in the presence of glucose - Enzymatic method

Starch hydrolysis products - Determination of reducing power and dextrose equivalent - Lane and Eynon constant titre method (ISO 5377:1981)

Glucose Assay Kit for Clinical Chemistry (Glucose Oxidase Endpoint Colorimetric Method)

Fruit and vegetable juices - Enzymatic determination of D-glucose and D-fructose content - NADPH spectrometric method; German version EN 1140:1994

1 Prezentul standard se refer? la metodele pentru determinarea densit??ii ?i a densit??ii relative a vinului ?i a mustului. 2 Densitatea (masa

WINE Determination of density

Rapeseed. Determination of glucosinolate content. Spectrometric method for total glucosinolates by glucose release


Glucose assay kit.(Enzymic method)

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