ASTM F3089-14

Standard Guide for Characterization and Standardization of Polymerizable Collagen-Based Products and Associated Collagen-Cell Interactions

ASTM F3089-14
ASTM F3089-23
ASTM F3089-23
ASTM E1298 ASTM F1251 ASTM F1439 ASTM F1903 ASTM F1904 ASTM F1905 ASTM F1906 ASTM F1983 ASTM F2148 ASTM F619 ASTM F720 ASTM F748 ASTM F749 ASTM F756 ASTM F763 ASTM F813 ASTM F895 ASTM F981 ISO 14971

4.1 The objective of this document is to provide guidance in the production, characterization, testing, and standardization of: (a) collagen polymers as a starting material for surgical implants, substrates for tissue-engineered medical products (TEMPs), vehicles for therapeutic cells and molecules, and 3D in-vitro tissue systems for basic research, drug development, and toxicity testing; and (b) self-assembled collagen-based materials produced with collagen polymer formulations. This guide can be used as an aid in the selection, characterization, and standardization of the appropriate collagen polymer starting material as well as associated self-assembled collagen-based products for a specific use. Not all tests or parameters are applicable to all uses of collagen.

4.2 The collagen covered by this guide may be used in a broad range of applications, forms, or medical products, for example (but not limited to) wound and hemostatic dressings, surgical implants or injectables, hybrid medical devices, tissue-engineered medical products (TEMPs), injectable or implantable delivery vehicles for therapeutic cells, molecules, and drugs, and 3D in-vitro tissue systems or models for basic research, drug development, and toxicity testing. The practical application of the collagen polymers and associated self-assembled collagen-based materials should be based, among other factors, on biocompatibility, application-specific performance measures, as well as chemical, physical, and biological test data. Recommendations in this guide should not be interpreted as a guarantee of success for any research or medical application.

4.3 The following general areas should be considered when determining if the collagen supplied satisfies requirements for use in the above mentioned medical and research applications: source of collagen polymer, impurities profile, and comprehensive chemical, physical, and biological characterization and testing.

4.4 The following documents or other relevant guidances from appropriate regulatory bodies relating to the production, regulation, and regulatory approval of devices, biologics, drugs, and combination products should be considered when determining if the collagen supplied satisfies requirements for use in medical and research products, including TEMPs, therapeutic delivery vehicles, and 3D in-vitro tissue systems:


21 CFR 3: Product Jurisdiction:


21 CFR 58: Good Laboratory Practice for Nonclinical Laboratory Studies:



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